September 30, 2021 3 min read 3 Comments


I was introduced to Jenny by a fellow knitter last year, and after months of pleading and pestering (I can be really persistent when I believe in something) Jenny finally allowed me to offer her patterns.

So step with me into the magical world of Jenny Noto. It’s hard to describe why I was immediately drawn to Jenny’s designs, so it's probably best just to let the stitches do the talking! There’s just something unique about the patterns she’s creating. Her designs have a style and rhythm of their very own.



Jenny’s designs are often sparked by characters or references from that magical world of Harry Potter.

Maybe that’s why they’re so intriguing – the stitches filled with quirks and surprises and hidden meaning.




It was in college and grad school that Jenny became such a fan of the Harry Potter books and movies. (And having two sons a few years later sealed the deal.)

In Jenny's words: “I’m not sure why I’ve been so drawn to Harry Potter. The words, names, characters, places… They all spark my creativity. Imagining how a love potion would look, or creating a pattern for one character or another. They’re all so unique.”


Amortentia Toque

“Like the spiral twists and heart stitches in the Amortentia – I’m creating patterns that mimic the spiraling steam rising from the love potion described in the books.”

“As I start a new pattern, I tend to get a ‘feel’ for what a stitch could represent. For instance, the criss-crossing pattern formed in the Granger designs – I visualized Hermione casting the protective spells from Book 7.”


Granger Toque



“Sometimes the idea comes first, sometimes the stitch comes first, and sometimes it’s all a jumbled mess in my head that somehow turns out okay if I don’t force it.”

“Like the Snidget Hat. That actually came from me seeing a photo of a simple stitch upside down, and it immediately reminded me of the magical bird, the Golden Snidget. This meant the construction would have to be from the crown down to the brim, which I had never done before, but it was fun figuring it out!”


 Snidget Beanie


Jenny was first taught how to knit by her Grandmother (she called her Āmà) back in their modest home in California. “But to Āmà's chagrin, I was too busy and impatient to really master it. I did develop an eye for knitting patterns though, and years later, I finally said enough is enough. I vowed to teach myself to really knit before my firstborn turned 3, and I was almost successful (I missed it by two weeks).”



“I spent the next few months knitting like crazy – stumbling around, having fun, but I wasn’t finding patterns that I really wanted to make. I also found a lot of the directions to be lacking and vague, so I decided to try my hand at making my own.”

“I think Unbreakable Vow Toque was my breakthrough hit, but my personal favorite is the Veela Beanie.”


   Unbreakable Vow Toque

                                    Veela Beanie



Jenny's patterns are known for their straightforward, detailed instructions. She presents them step by step, creating a flow that carries you along, leaving the missteps and frustration behind.

Every knitter’s dream.

So by request of the Order of the Phoenix and Hogwart’s School of  Witchcraft and Wizardry, you are hereby invited (trumpets please) to enter the magical knitting world of Jenny Noto!

Jenny’s Āmà would be proud.


Click below to get the Bombarda Hat pattern for FREE!!

Get Yarn for the Bombarda Hat Below 


3 Responses

Donna Grybowski
Donna Grybowski

July 12, 2023

Your designs are beautiful! I need to improve my knitting skills before tackling them. My dd and niece are big HP fans. Thanks you for sharing.

Lynn Dunaway
Lynn Dunaway

July 12, 2023

Awesome designs! Love you AMA and her photo!

Gillian E
Gillian E

July 12, 2023

I’m a huge Jenny fan as well! Her patterns are simply the coolest and funnest to knit! Super enjoyed reading this! <3

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