How to Make Certain You'll Receive Your Pattern Download
"Whitelist" Emails from The Dizzy Knitter!
Whitelisting is a quick, one-time-only task to ensure Pattern Download emails from The Dizzy Knitter go to your inbox, instead of your spam folder.
Usually, all you need to do is open an email from The Dizzy Knitter and verify it can be trusted. You can see below how I did this to an email from the company where I get my coffee beans every month (loooove those beans!)
I clicked on the little "carat" to the right of the email address and depending on your email system, choose "Add to VIPs" or "Add to Contacts".
If you are using Gmail, you want to ensure that all emails from a sender will appear in the “Primary” tab instead of either the "Promotions" or "Spam". Doing this is an easy two-step process.
1. Drag-and-drop the email message from beneath the tab it’s currently filed under, to the “Primary” tab like this:
2. Once you've done that, a box will appear with, “This conversation has been moved to Primary. Do this for all future messages from” Simply select “Yes:” and that's it!
If neither of those methods work for your inbox, here's a more comprehensive article to whitelisting email.